Your Brain On Love

Consider this: all the things we have ever been told about ourselves are lies, beginning with what we have been told about our soft boiled eggs for brains. They are REALLY soft-- and our hard as rock-candy skulls that carry the "us" we think we are, protect the brain from direct trauma to the extent that they can. But here's the thing--most trauma to the brain is indirect and self-perpetuated. The food we eat, the media we consume, the thoughts we think, and the things we buy, all have an effect of either growing or depleting our brains. Dr. Daniel Amen and his colleagues have conducted nearly 100k brain scans and each one tells the individual story of how we "treat" ourselves. When we "treat" ourselves with whole foods and clean water, fresh air, exercise, and healthy, joy-filled relationships, our brains grow! 

It's not crazy or selfish or abnormal to love your body and brain so much that you would never feed it garbage, never let it run on fewer hours of sleep than it needs, or permit yourself to think punishing thoughts about all the bills you haven't paid, or the homework you haven't done, or the phone calls you haven't returned. 

We live in a time when at least 150 people will die today of a drug overdose in a country that claims to love itself. This land is our land, and it loves us. Continuing to feed our brains bad information about how drug use and abuse begins and progresses based on "symptom clusters" rather than on individual symptoms of root causes for emotional illness and addiction is a dangerous business, causing massive deteriorations of family and community, while making hundreds of "treatment centers" very wealthy from keeping clients ignorant of the "treatment" required for any brain to heal from environmental trauma, direct or indirect. 

What does this have to do with hoodies? Well, your nut-strong skull will appreciate the softness and your neighborhood will appreciate the bold-digging genius of a company that leads the head by heart, fearless in its proclamation that we are each 100% Made By Love and deserving of individualized plans to grow collective greatness.